Thursday, September 26, 2013

22:37 - Navalnõi is ready to lead opposition estequiometria party 20:41 - U.S. were killed in a car

Japan turns the following week at the beginning of the last operating nuclear reactors in the country, but it is not known when it will be restarted. In the western part of the Ohi nuclear power plant 4 the reactor stops the production of electricity early Monday morning. Analysts said the Japan nuclear power at least until December, which is the longest break of this nature since the late 1960s, the BBC. Japanese public turned against nuclear power from 2011 onwards. of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, which was caused estequiometria by the earthquake and tsunami. Before it became a state 30% of its energy from nuclear power. Also last year, in May and June of nuclear power in the country was up, but then the company was an operator Tepco permission Ohi reactors to restart. According to experts, it takes control of reactors and restart for at least half a year.
22:37 - Navalnõi is ready to lead opposition estequiometria party 20:41 - U.S. were killed in a caravan fire at a man and five children 19:15 - Bavarian elections give hope Merkel üldvõiduks 18:52 - Iraq to hit the back of the deadliest wave of explosions, 17:48 - Floods in Romania claimed nine human life 17:18 - Kerry: Syria promised to shortly outline of their chemical weapons 16:37 - India successfully tested a ballistic missile 15:44 - Japan stops nuclear reactor last 12:47 - Died in the world's oldest man (1)

Estonian doctors implanted the first patient in its stem (2) =,,,, +,, cp = news;;;;

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