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Mean O3 Out of Office, WatchBP O3 is dedicated sphygmomanometer for measuring continuous 24 hospitals, clinics, is clinically proven to result in accurate, fast, reliable and easy to use. WatchBP O3 is designed with easy to read display, ergonomic tollens design, durability, features and accessories accompanying professional. Help for continuous blood pressure tollens monitoring at home is comfortable and accurate, the device tollens is highly recommended and suggested to use blood pressure in many prestigious organizations tollens in the world such as AHA, EHS, JSH ... Products 2 years warranty, tollens maintenance periodically or upon request.
WatchBP O3: Follow the diagnostic procedures and treatment of hypertension is positively WHO, EHS, AHA is used to measure blood pressure monitoring in the outpatient, inpatient monitoring Clinic and Hospital - During the diagnosis, tollens The diagnosis of hypertensive tollens blood pressure at the hospital using specialized equipment WatchBP in the first track. - During the next visit, the test measurements recorded by the device WatchBP O3 (24h blood pressure measuring device) or devices tollens measure blood pressure at home, all the data from the measurements are connection tollens with WatchBP Analyzer software to get statistics of hypertension patients in an optimal way. - After the treatment can be used to serve as a tool to control the patient's blood pressure every time you visit the doctor. - When blood pressure is controlled WatchBP can still serve as an important tool to test the value of blood pressure and help patients tollens complete health tollens information.
WatchBP O3: Designed with features like a professional solution for the treatment of hypertension is positive. - 24 hour continuous tollens blood pressure measurement. - Designed lightweight and durable, with features and accessories accompanying professional. Help for continuous blood pressure monitoring at home is comfortable and precise. - Helps outpatient blood pressure monitor correctly, and for accurate results tollens even when moving. - Programmable measurement schedule: automatic measuring equipment at fixed time intervals 15, 20, 30, or 60 minutes, as well as programmed by the physician si.De fit each patient's tollens lifestyle, wake and sleep can be programmed using software fitted to the machine. Wake and sleep duration can be programmed independently.
10-40 C / 50-104 F
Static accuracy: pressure within 3 mmHg
Price: 2,200,000 VNĐ
CORPORATION tollens BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT 24 Bau Cat 6, Ward 14, Tan Binh Dist. Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (08) 35399709 - 35399809-62775538 Fax: (08) 3810 7019 Email: tollens service@thietbiysinh.com.vn
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