Sunday, June 15, 2014

We are involved in a number of international operations, which makes us more vulnerable than we thi

We had a first fashioned last week, but we have not started work yet. It is therefore difficult for us pronounce us anything about this at the time of The Current, simply because we do not have any work to show yet, and because it m converted cheesecloth an assessment of grading n s results are known, writes researcher at FFI, Jo Hagness Kiran, in an e-mail Universitas. Old reactor P cellar, a stone's throw away Hgskolen in Oslo and Akershus (HiOA), size nuclear reactor in 1967.
After the accident at Fukushima in Japan was conducted stress tests of the Norwegian facilities at Kjeller and in Halden. cheesecloth The result cheesecloth was clear in December. cheesecloth IFE believes that the system is secure, and concludes in the report that the emissions can lead to permanent cheesecloth damage to the people. There are no environmental cheesecloth foundation Bellona Bellona in. worried-reactor at Kjeller is not s great, but it is approach the populated areas, says managing director of Bellona, Nils Bhmer. By plane crash or the like, he believes that emissions can be spread with a radius of two to three kilometers.
-People living in the area at the reactor can be evacuated without incident, but strlingen can scar over time. It takes longer cheesecloth to radioactive fallout disappear than we thought before. Risk of terrorist cheesecloth Bellona follow actively at IFE system on Kjeller and Halden, and believe that it should be discussed whether there is still a need for these reactors and if they do not soon be ripe for replacement.
-Reactors can be built much safer today, so they withstand plane crash and technical safeguards that can prevent them from losing control of the reactor, explains Bhmer. After the Fukushima accident was among others Bellona who demanded the utfrt stress tests at the plants in Norway. Although natural disasters can fri with enormous damage, Bhmer believes that the biggest threat to the Norwegian reactors are terrorist attacks. cheesecloth
We are involved in a number of international operations, which makes us more vulnerable than we think, and what a terrorist cheesecloth can estimate the Basement creating much stir. Bellona-wrong-there are plants cheesecloth abroad are built to withstand attacks cheesecloth from a jumbo jet, says Sverre whale, head of the department reactor operating at IFE. Bellona wish that the Norwegian reactors replaced with more robust structures, and fear what might happen at Kjeller. IFE believes on its side that Bellona engaged in crisis maximization.
-Bhmer m happy to come to us, we will be happy to discuss the facts with him, he urges. Whales and Wikstrm believe that Bellona has deliberately exaggerated the situation, and that the radius Bhmer estimates are totally incorrect.
It berrte cheesecloth area is significantly smaller, and a leak will not cause problems for decades to Bellona PSTR, they say. Pstanden from Bhmer that the reactors have become too old, also arouses cheesecloth anger the institute.
-The community will not accept if something happens here, so we are very keen to have contact with nrmiljet for information about what we are doing with p and that everything is safe, shoot Wikstrm into. Affects the milk and grnt In seeking safety report cheesecloth for December 2010 utfrte IFE estimates of what will happen in a worst case scenario. We have researched what which would be the result if all strling in the reactor was released and the reactor was fully opened, said whale. IFE has not researched the results considering on specific cheesecloth scenarios, but concentrated on the outcome regardless of the cause. The Institute's report shows that milk and vegetables will be influenced by the release of radioactive iodine and cesium, but that people would not be significantly impacted. 100 meters from the reactor will strledosen over five years will be 19 millisievert (mSv). The annual cheesecloth strledosen in Norway is the comparison 4.2 mSv. Within 200 meters from the reactor will be on the dose 9.6 mSv and within 300 yards 6.5 mSv ilpet five r - A Deadly dose for a human is at 5000 mSv, explain whale. The fallout will contaminate the milk in the area, and IFE recommend everyone Graders within 15 km in the direction upper cautious with milk thirty days after an accident in the reactor. What comes to vegetables, the department recommends that Graders within one

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