Sunday, November 30, 2014

Racist and cursed, but as you let on, tell him you MAO PATAKKA, Show him how you, however, you

I'm sorry for the president of the National Assembly of the Democratic Party, Matthew Orfini, but his rap yesterday in Cuperlo and Fassina, guilty of a critical reflection on our present monetary situation, it is wrong in the method and the substance. This tweet of Orfini:
Of course it is true that the unsustainability of the euro is supported only by the extreme right. The list of the economists of the left (and center) that denounce could be very long. But above disturbs the ancient instinct to shut interlocutor accusing him of touching a forbidden topic. It is called demonization of ideas. The gap between two currency areas, the strong euro and the euro-Mediterranean, more than a hypothesis is now considered toxic by most as a strong possibility. But above all it seems to me obvious toxic that a reformist party really toxic should ask yourself today without timidity also the problem of real reform of the euro. It 'a cunning ineffective to censor themselves in judgment on the rules in force in the European Union, pretending that respect them is a wise thing, only to invoke the Commission's benevolence, close one eye, please, a little' flexibility. Orfini proposes to the left of the Democratic Party inside the old argument summarized in the sign: "Do not disturb the conductor." Conversely a public discussion on the damage caused by the current structure of the EU money should not be left to the prerogative of the populist forces.
Leave the euro is the way to regain monetary sovereignty which is the stuff that Japan was growing Chinese rhythms and so the US. Making of terrorism as robespierre not need and helps only to die.
Total fine of 3.2 billion dollars by the supervisory authorities in the markets of the US, UK and Switzerland for five big banks guilty of attempted manipulation on exchange rates. UBS, HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase have in fact negotiated an agreement with the authorities of the three countries, according to a report in the Financial Times website. The total fine will be 'smeared' in various ways on the five institutions based on the severity of the offense. The penalty toxic is the highest paid by UBS and is approximately 800 mln dollars
Why terrorism? I simply described what was happening at the time of the lira. Unfortunately there are so many fools who do not remember many false and that they pretend not to remember, you probably belong to the first category. In fact think that the growth of certain toxic countries is due only to monetary reasons is really nonsense that only fools can believe. Japan then I do not think has grown a lot over the last 15 years, despite the "monetary sovereignty".
dear son, thought to hold the current rules is madness, everything must renegotiate or exit, there are no alternative but self-destruction, which ... .. would not mind to Germany! toxic
Racist and cursed, but as you let on, tell him you MAO PATAKKA, Show him how you, however, you're tolerant, good, supportive kind.
You're right, toxic but Prodi and 'was also the first to criticize the stupidity of 3%, the first to criticize the trade surplus of Germany and so on. The trouble started when Prodi and 'went out and came your cronies Barroso, Sarko' the moko ', Merkel and various charlatans. But I tell you to do!
For the "uninformed" or mock those who do not know Italy has a positive trade balance with other countries ue, so that we speak of? Nonsense that tells Salvini?
Robespierre Is well known and well-known that the Italian trade balance is no longer in the red only and only because of the collapse in domestic consumption and the associated collapse in imports. Beautiful coin, one for which the only way to not go in red and not risk in meltdown is to bring down the GDP, ten times the unemployed, cut wages and force people to emigrate as after the war. Informed.
Leave the euro would be suicide if first you do not change the structure toxic of the Central Bank and the Italian banking system. If you leave the euro without further action, Italy will be overwhelmed by a flight of capital and a fierce speculation. Who wants to give up the euro should explain what changes to our financial system wants to make, because every mistake, from that moment, would be fatal to our economy. toxic
The euro can not be reformed because it is run by large financial groups and the country more economically strong. They want a strong currency toxic that would guarantee their loans and Brussels adjusts for the usual reason: the strong command. So either

It is still controversy among opposition councilors of States for Rieti, Sonia Cascioli and Andrea

It is still controversy among opposition councilors of States for Rieti, Sonia Cascioli and Andrea Sebastiani, and the councilor Alessandro Mezzetti. In a note to US for Rieti is the topic of cleaning the leaves.
"We sincerely believe that the commissioner Mezzetti is in disarray. See him this morning to go up and down the avenue Maraini has certainly adhesive pleased to many citizens who have thought "what the good councilor that Saturday morning in the front row to collect the leaves." And, objectively, we admire him. We admire him because with his action did nothing to certify the absolute improvisation in which moves the machine city led by a junta in part completely absent and partly absolutely inadequate. And even more we admire him for the superficiality with which manages situations that invest roles and responsibilities well defined. To be clear, the assessor should explain to the people of Rieti as ever against a sweeping service and leaves gathered on the sidewalks of the avenue Maraini entrusted to the cooperative social Risorgere, which of course we pay with taxpayer money, today to play there were service workers and the means of the municipality? They came to work for free? Or were controlled by the executive into overtime? Or maybe they were arbitrarily adhesive commanders directly the Councillor who will then pay them? Or do we think that will pay for the same work is a social cooperative that overtime for municipal employees? And then the assessor should explain to the people of Rieti as ever in the face of a cleaning of drains on Viale Maraini entrusted to the cooperative social No Problem, which also pay with taxpayer money today for the service were the workers adhesive and the means of the municipality? With all the questions that follow. And again, the commissioner should explain to the people of Rieti as ever against a sweeping service and collected leaves on the road is still loading the subsidiary Asm and therefore pay the citizens of Rieti, according to the contracts, today to perform the service there were always the workers and the means of the municipality? Obviously with all the questions that follow. And we do not want to debate the logic for which this council has decided to subtract services to the subsidiary Asm (cleaning drains and sweeping and collecting leaves on sidewalks), where we remember him working hundreds of people representing many families, to entrust them to cooperatives social. Someone want to explain that no alderman is shooting a reality, and that being seen in Viale Maraini collecting leaves, when the City pay someone else to do it, does not solve all the deficiencies of an administration that water on all sides? With all the administrative responsibilities that result from the point of view of the loss of revenue to the coffers of the institution? adhesive In one thing we have to give a reason alderman Mezzetti: we fully agree with him when he writes that the courts are "even" for this. " Photos (archive) RietiLife
All of the above reported, but at least the roads were clean !! In a city of northern Italy, where I recently lived I could see that the company that manages the collection of waste Institute for the street cleaning on a regular basis, and not just on the streets of downtown. The collection of the leaves then happened every morning. In Rieti who makes them contracts !!!!!!!! RIETI CITY 'DEAD LEAVES FROM DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but before where were all these censors? three years ago were content of "Facioli with pork rind" adhesive and wine makes periodic table that was served to the streets on holidays today all pointing fingers, adhesive often accompanied by wives of s. antonio that even the powder adhesive to tons manages to get rid of the smell! take easy and make love (in loyt)
Ifigli improvisation? ... Sorry but you are the followers and disciples adhesive of those phenomena from 100 million euro? ... Please do not come and give lessons adhesive ... deserve to be correct but not from you certamente.C'e 'pharmacy in driveway when you go to see Mezzetti buy yourself adhesive something ... shrinking. adhesive
Excuse me ... let me know !! From that I remember that for 50 years and a half leaves on the ground there have always been and always have been collected in time more or less long: this indisputable! A follow! One does not collect the leaves (Mezzetti) here is the monster !! one collects them (Mezzetti) here is the monster that pretending to be another, a good one, collects the same fucking leaves ...... Let me understand something friends / girlfriends of this city shine ... ..But do not do first to say that Mezzetti There is annoying ... .. ??? I really do not understand you more !! greetings
The money of Coll

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Photographer Alberto Locatelli victim of an accident on the Piz Lagrev Two interventions with the h

Canzo: he wanted to kill her husband for fear of being killed | Lecconotizie: THE online newspaper of the city of Lecco
Write to the Editor Write to the Editor About Us Contact Tears in Valbrona to bid farewell to Chantal Bartolini Spagnuolo, Democratic amine Party leader Grass: "At" Lariopolda "do not go" The territory thanks the Marshal Mario Evangelista Cycling Erba: Luca Paolini finished the season 90 Honey Festival and Agrimercato Coldiretti Sunday to Albavilla
CANZO - "I killed my husband. Go to our home, you will find it. " So Felicia Lombardi, 47 year old, has confessed to the Police that he had inflicted some machetes Franco Raniero Di Napoli, 56 years after a heated argument. amine Fortunately, when the military arrived in the apartment of Remembrance away, they found the driver of Canzo seriously injured but still alive and was esubito traportato to the emergency room of the hospital where the Sant'Anna were diagnosed cuts the face, the region laterocervical left and the left hand. Naples underwent an urgent surgery and hospitalized with a prognosis of about 25 days.
It still investigating the reasons that led to the Lombardi insane act but it seems that the same woman has reported that her husband threatened her with death and mistreated long since tired of the situation and decided to take "justice" alone.
Photographer Alberto Locatelli victim of an accident on the Piz Lagrev Two interventions with the helicopter rescue in Grignetta and Pialeral Incident in the afternoon on the SS36, heading south, at the height of Abbey's Revenge Draw: the 6/12 closed access the Third Bridge Seized assets of over 65 million to the heirs of a fugitive thieves amine in action to Acquate, took aim at some houses of Via Montessori Mandello, awards and applause amine at the "Sports Festival" amine Caribbean, Cuba, Lecco and Lia and ... William, a life on the go Premana: the "Sanelli" is 150 years old, a milestone Extortion and robbery arrested fifty Lecco Vercurago cries Dr. Bolis, was 51 years and was a city councilor is wrong to take the roundabout, tremendous front Ballabio 3B Weather: "Cold waves concentrated between January and February" Crash the gates of Barzago: wounded and Briantea blocked Revenge of Draw: the 6/12 closed access to the Third Bridge "without veils": the sex shop Corso Martyrs discovers windows Maggianico. Demolished the gas station of St. Ambrose, will be born a new one was dealing drugs to students, 28-year old arrested in station Consonno. Father and daughter fall in motion and end up in hospital Laorca. With the car in the balance between road and Berni over Monte Ortigara amine Operation Insubria: the names of the 38 arrested, 18 are Lecco Landslide: amine closed SS36 northbound, exit obliged Abbey Landslide: closed SS36 northbound, amine exit obliged Abbey ' Ndrangheta: the details of the survey between Como and Lecco Fatal accident in Malgrate along the former SS 36 SS 36 touched by at least 100 cubic meters of debris, traffic on the SP72 Sala al Barro found the body of the elderly dispersed Ndrangheta: discovered " local "Calolzio arrested affiliates Bad weather: closed SP62 to Balisio, in Lecco on Caldone scares (PHOTOS) Lecco. Mourning in politics, has died at the age of 46 Luca Cesana online newspaper regularly registered at the Court of Lecco (06/2011) published by Salchah Ltd. (IVA: 03329300135) with registered office in Barzanò (Lecco) Via Roma, 2 - Cap. 23891 Director: Lorenzo Colombo

Friday, November 28, 2014

video blog gallery forum hot marriage G

video blog gallery forum hot marriage G & T webseries guide encounters CHAT! THEMES: Discrimination Transgender Violence Television Travel Homophobia Religion School Cinema Unions - Gay Weddings Current Treviso ready to transcribe marriages nahco3 egualitar .. Music Tiziano Ferro: "A child of 40 years. The gay couples nahco3 .. Current HIV, Plus:" The service of Hyenas us back then .. Video Preview absolute: Jem and the Holograms, the new gallery .. Shower challenge: the Selfie naked in the shower co .. A blog X-Factor even skirt pants are more tras ..
"Being gay is a bad disease." And down kicks, punches and even hands to his throat. If not intervened some guys, maybe we'd be telling a story more tragic. It happened last week in a school of Perugia where a teacher (not a fellow bully) attacked a gay student of 14 years. nahco3 According to a report in the Journal of Umbria, it all started when the professor, going in the pews of his class, nahco3 he started to say: "Being gay is a bad disease", looking insistently one of his pupils. The student does not respond (perhaps because he has not heard) and Prof. repeats the phrase. At that point, according to the reconstruction, the boy asks if he was referring to him and the teacher responds, "Of course I say to you, it is bad to be gay. Do you know anything." "Of course, since I met her," nahco3 was the answer of the student.
The phrase unleashes the wrath of the professor that is not limited to rebuke him, but unleashes first two kicks to the legs, then two punches to the shoulder, and finally puts her hands around his neck, threatening to strangle him. "Professor leave him, does not see that it's choking?", Addressed the classmate. "Do not you dare ever to make fun," says the teacher leaving nahco3 the outlet. The news spread to the school. The first rumors speak of a reprimand, but it is the same student to explain that he was beaten by the teacher in the classroom. Back home, the boy chooses not to tell the tale. His limp, however, nahco3 suspicious parents who insist on knowing what happened. Eventually gives in and tells all in tears. The parents took him to the emergency room where he was found a large hematoma in the thigh. It is a minor, then immediately triggered the alert, but the mother and father of the boy to go to the police immediately after the report, to report the incident. The principal, who arrived at the police station, said he would conduct an internal investigation before nahco3 taking action. Meanwhile, the student will change class and time, so that it can not meet that teacher violent and homophobic.
Suspended Professor Umbrian accused of beating a student Current
52 years
50 years

# Team Pts. Juventus 1 31 2 28 3 Roma Sampdoria Napoli 22 4 21 5 20 6 Lazio Genoa Milan 19 7 18 8 1

"The future of Clasie? Italy could potentially be a great destination for him, but he has recently renewed its contract (expiring in 2018, ed) with Feyenoord, aliquot then it would not be so easy to take him away. " These are the words of Wessel Weezemberg, agent of midfielder class 1991. The player, director and captain of the club in Rotterdam, in the past had been tried by Fiorentina. Recently, however, has been compared to Lazio. aliquot As reported by, Weezemberg added: "There are several clubs interested in him, but actually everything is stopped. And 'the captain of the team so at least until next summer will remain in the Netherlands. "
Related News De Vrij wants to leave and press Feyenoord: Lazio would be willing to raise the offera Lazio, as the director of the future: Jordy Clasie suggestion if not start Biglia Defense, Lazio have chosen: everything on the central Feyenoord De Vrij Dall 'Netherlands: aliquot Lazio wants to close to De Vrij, ready a blitz in Rotterdam?
Related News De Vrij wants to leave and press Feyenoord: Lazio would be willing to raise the offera Lazio, as the director of the future: Jordy Clasie suggestion if not start Biglia Defense, Lazio have chosen: everything on the central Feyenoord De Vrij Dall 'Netherlands: Lazio wants to close to De Vrij, ready a blitz in Rotterdam?
'MARKET - Juventus tries a defender: the wish list is also Bocchetti Formello, another stop on defense: stop Ciani. The dott.Bianchini: "Thursday the findings"
Lazialità CALENDAR
# Team Pts. Juventus 1 31 2 28 3 Roma Sampdoria Napoli 22 4 21 5 20 6 Lazio Genoa Milan 19 7 18 8 18 9 Udinese Fiorentina International 17 10 16 11 15 12 Sassuolo Hellas aliquot Verona Palermo 14 13 14 14 13 15 Empoli Torino Cagliari aliquot 12 16 11 17 Atalanta Chievo 10 18 9 19 8 20 Cesena Parma 6
Monday, November 24, 2014 Genoa 1-1 Palermo Sunday, November 23, 2014 AC Milan 1-1 Internazionale Cesena 1-1 Sampdoria Hellas Verona aliquot 1-2 Fiorentina Napoli 3-3 Cagliari Parma 0-2 Empoli Udinese 1-1 Chievo Torino 0 - 1 Sassuolo Saturday, November 22, 2014 Lazio 0-3 Juventus Atalanta 1-2 Roma Sunday, November 9, 2014 Roma 3-0 Torino Internazionale 2-2 Hellas Verona Fiorentina 0-1 Napoli aliquot Chievo 2-1 Cesena Empoli 2-1 Lazio Juventus 7-0 Palermo Parma 1-1 Udinese Cagliari 1-1 Genoa Saturday, November 8, 2014 Sampdoria 2-2 Milan Sassuolo 0-0 Atalanta
The disease presents a clinical picture characterized by vision loss, myoclonic seizures (ie, sudden muscle contractions that may affect a part or the whole body), continues ......

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Percent attendance in the National:

#ItaliaCroazia: Probable. DDR: "Balotelli? We can be friends" -
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Continues the march towards the important challenge that the 'Italy will play Sunday with Croatia. A race critical to our National that if he were to win would put a serious threat to the next European qualifier. Conte will have to cope with the absence of Pirlo and Verratti: in the center median will act De Rossi and Marchisio with Candreva raiders. Problems titration in defense: Ogbonna has been subjected titration to further investigations that have excluded a muscle problem. The defender remains in doubt for Sunday, but will remain at Coverciano with the group. Darmian will be moved, as against Malta, in the three defense alongside Ranocchia and Chiellini. On the wings act De Sciglio right and left Pasqual.
Forward should act the couple Zaza-Building for Balotelli affaticamente muscle. Super Mario will start, therefore, from the bench ready to go into the house of need. Tomorrow morning training behind closed doors and in the afternoon departure to Milan.
Today Daniele De Rossi spoke at a press conference in Coverciano ahead of the Euro 2016 qualifying match against Croatia, when will play his 100th game with the Italian national team (VIDEO with all the goals in blue).
Percent attendance in the National: "It 's titration amazing, unimaginable. Goal that will bring in the heart even after the end of his career. I would be overcome by some fine young man. "
On Balotelli: "It 'hard to believe that you face Conte addressed to convene. Those jokes about him after the World Cup? The coach at the first conference said sharing by men and did not refer to anyone. That speech was related to how to start. It starts titration from the men, in the National and with Roma. Men who want to recover. titration Mario is a great value. "
On the problems in defense: "Considering the rules on foreigners believe that the Roma draws upon the resources of the Italians. I think of Astori, De Sanctis, Romagnoli I will surpass with caps so. Become a champion. "
Count on that he wanted to Juve: "I was proud, is a technician that I have always respected. If I wanted to Juve is nice if he says the individual concerned. Choosing titration to stay at Roma will not let me regrets. It was an impossible scenario that occurred but it was a pride. With Roma after Juve we left bitterly but there we played at par ".
Still on Balotelli: "Not that we can not become friends. It 'a good guy, good. Do not put weeds in the locker room. Exuberant, sometimes lives his work in a particular way. Mario is basically good. "
On Rome: "We felt at par Juve also the year past. We feel at their level. The missteps happen to anyone. In Naples titration we lost badly, with Juve not deserve titration to lose. Bayern have played with an opponent stronger than us. "
Still on percent for national "I scored a lot and I'm glad. I hope Zaza, Still, titration Pellè and all other I outweigh quickly, it's titration their job. Are older than them and I scored more, even more for my attendance. "
The most important race with Italy: "The final in Berlin the most memorable, the high point of my career. Pirlo is the player who can change the fate of the team but we can do well without him. I expect to win the European Championship, the coach thinks only of this. "
Mazzarri for exemption and the arrival of Mancini at Inter: "I'm sorry for Mazzarri, titration very good coach. I'm happy for lefties, the st

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Both personal relevance that emotional stimulation then contribute to the improvement of memory, sp

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It is no secret that the use of social networks for many can be a real obsession. If for once we decide to measure the time we spend checking our social networks, we will realize how they absorb a substantial part of our days. Each time may be right to scroll through the timeline of Twitter, check notifications on your Facebook wall, answer some emails at work, or a message from a friend on WhatsApp. We are immersed in the activity so much social, which are not few cases of subjects willing to admit that they have some sort of addiction. Fueled inter alia by the massive use of devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers increasingly present in our lives.
Twitter for example, is one of the tools that generate jindo more dependence on the people using it. To say this is to research conducted jindo by Neuro Insight - company that deals with market research, to measure how the brain responds to communications - about 114 volunteers, who were compared neural jindo activity both during the use phase of the microblogging site both during normal web browsing, using a technique called "steady-state topography". To be more stimulated are mainly the areas corresponding to emotional arousal, memory jindo and self-importance.
According to the data, in subjects using the platform in an active, or posting tweets or looking for other people, jindo it generates a greater jindo emotional stimulation by 75% compared to when navigating normally, but also in cases where it is limited to only viewing timeline stimulation is more intense than 64%. A kind of adrenaline rush due to the "manner in which messages are delivered - says Heather Armstrong, CEO of Neuro Insight, on the Guardian website - but also to the fact that the themes of the messages personal interest the reader." The selection of profiles to follow on the microblogging jindo site is usually guided by personal interests, whether professional or not does not matter. Read sentences or news about events or people that directly involve the reader, it stimulates attention to the point that he had to stay in constant contact this universe.
The context in which the events take place mentioned on Twitter, also affects the feeling of personal relevance in the debate. Also according to the research, in this sense, those who use Twitter feels involved jindo for 51% more than a traditional navigation. To explain this occurrence you might want to consider the cases in which a user is involved in a discussion, or if one of his tweets were retweetato by other users. Even more than with the Facebook notifications section of Twitter is the real temptation for the frequent user, eager to discover the "scope" of his chirping and how deep can get his brief thought, maybe sparking further debate.
Both personal relevance that emotional stimulation then contribute to the improvement of memory, specifically the physical interaction with the site (which can be either the beat of the keys on the keyboard of a PC, which slide your finger on a touchscreen), generates an impact more effective than just passive reading on a screen, or the viewing of images in front of a television. The dependence on the microblogging site would then be linked to a kind of creation of parallel world, very personal, the user tends to create. And despite this world we can not replace the real life, is still a great way to communicate feeling involved and implicated in person.
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OLGINATE - Receive and publish the letter released by Legambiente, Association Monte Brianza and WW

Environmentalists: "Consonno must return to being natural" | Lecconotizie: THE online newspaper of the city of Lecco
Write to the Editor Write to the Editor About Us Contact Valbrona. With the City you learn (free) to use the pc Monguzzo. Course of Christmas decorations with the City Library and The First Lady of Peru visiting the Icam of Orsenigo The results of Grass Volleyball: Cup victory Lariana Deadly Lurago. Olgiate cries the new bride Arianna
OLGINATE - Receive and publish the letter released by Legambiente, Association Monte Brianza and WWF Lecco on the case of Consonno and projects that affect the fraction Olginatese: "Consonno was a meteor which originated from a logic of plunder of the territory, without respect for tradition and under the pressure of a surreal vision and consumerist reality: you are so created the foundations for the current state of disaster planning, landscape and environment. The continuing situation bromo of neglect matured in 40 years is set up as a real environmental disaster that should prompt us to reflect citizens and institutions.
The hypothesis of a "redevelopment", controversial term and that always hides many pitfalls, through ephemeral and insubstantial projects is too easy a way out and a sort of safe-conduct.
The area of Consonno must be reclaimed in order to bring it in its natural state, because you can not afford operations reconstruction / construction of new buildings before they were re-established the conditions existing before the intervention of the territorial upheaval.
We know that the area is privately owned, but we believe it is a priority to respect the landscape according to the Constitution and whether the private distorts the landscape, as is clearly visible for all to see, the authorities of the Republic must require interventions bromo for their protection . Speaking of cleaning up, the first action to take is to ask the property to prepare a study of the site characterization to be submitted to ARPA. The aim is to define the geological and hydrogeological site and found the presence of pollutants in soil and water and to develop a conceptual model.
Another concept precede bromo any intervention project is the preservation of health: always the Constitution refers to the protection of the environment bromo as a prerequisite to protection of health itself: the constitutional jurisprudence has defined the environment as the 'key determinant of the quality of life which protection does not pursue abstract aesthetic purposes but expresses the 'need for a natural habitat necessary to the community (Constitutional Court. n. 641, 30/12/1987).
After decades is thought to open a new phase that should store or heal the havoc past. Remain and insist of responsibility towards the environment and the landscape that can not be remedied except through radical action by those who produced them. Polluter pays or better who has distorted and defiled the hill has to pay, before every speech mystifying.
The authorities need to know which of them bears the heavy responsibility of being able, through ordinances, measures of order planning, administrative and political, to give a clear and definitive answer to a question put off far too long. Even in light of the delicate moment and the economic, bromo political, social and cultural development that our country is experiencing. bromo If private latitano, the public authorities must act urgently and decisively if imboccheranno this road, we will be ready to support them.
Consonno must return to being natural and returned to its historical, bromo cultural and environmental sedimented in time before surgery but especially by ensuring, restoring safety and 'safety of citizens and the enjoyment of the landscape. This is why we hope that the institutions involved in the field put all those actions
that go in the direction of writing a page-sighted and courageous in the field of use and land management. Starting from the responsibilities and actions which can not be restricted bromo to local Consonno because it is a case and a "weak point" that goes far beyond bromo the boundaries bromo of the City.
These are the basic premises that must be considered before thinking to build or rebuild: If you do not give concrete answers, in the name of the general public, the objective need to repair the damage the landscape and environmental products from a reckless action, then any reasoning on the eligibility edificatoria has the concrete meaning to give a prize to those who have a place reduced to a pile of rubble with serious damage to the landscape, to the territory and com

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

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SCHOOL / Perugia, Prof. insulting and beating the student: it is bad to be gay
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Learn More DOMESTIC INCIDENT / Torino, falls pregnant woman against a window and dies: lost child WEATHER ALERT / Direct, weather alert in Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna: new alarm for the full Po (today Sunday, November 16, 2014)
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A student of 14 who attends a school in the province of Perugia would have been insulted and beaten by a professor: the fact is reported by The Journal of Umbria, and it happened about a week ago, during a lesson. The professor would have said, looking chemical properties straight at the little boy, "being gay is a bad disease", later saying chemical properties his name and surname precise. The student asked if confirming what was said by the professor was really addressed to him, getting an answer "of course I say to you, it is bad to be gay." chemical properties At this point, the 14 year old would have triggered the violent reaction of the teacher responding in turn "certainly, chemical properties since I know you": the words, the kicks, punches and even a narrow neck with your hands by the professor against the boy were reported by three classmates, as well as by the individual. Before coming to confession, however, he returned home and was uncertain for a while ': when he explained chemical properties to the parents what had happened, he was taken immediately to hospital. A hematoma in the thigh and five-day prognosis for him: the parents have called a lawyer and filed a lawsuit chemical properties for the behavior of the professor. The president of the Institute has provided, also, to change the student section. All rights chemical properties reserved.
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Monday, November 24, 2014

alexandria basketball wheelchair basketball bullfrog Busto Arsizio football Caronnese cycling direc

Disappointed the coach of combining Yamamay: "The absence of Diouf there has facilitated but her companions did not have the right attitude." Pedullà celebrates: "Excellent bullfrog test wall"
"This team needs to do more if they want to get something positive - debuted in the press room after coach Carlo Parisi net ko with Novara. It 'obvious that we trained bullfrog all week with Diouf and his absence has upset a last minute little 'our plans, but by the companions there was not the right attitude. The team needs to be more aggressive, more brazen and has to think he knows how to play volleyball. My fears after Wednesday's game in the Champions were not unfounded. Anyway congratulations to Novara, that beyond our shortcomings, has played a great match. " Among the ranks of the enemy is obviously justified satisfaction expressed by Pedullà: "I think Busto has little impact in the service, a key with which he could get in trouble. We have been able to work very well against the wall, reading the game well opponent on many occasions. We are happy for this victory, but we do not exalt, as we did not cut down after the defeat on Wednesday in Russia. " Among the players, the word to Havelkova and Master. "In the first two sets we have not made ready, and we did what we had - explains the champion red and white - In the third set we grew, but Novara bullfrog has played a game really high level that it has given us nothing." "We are obviously very happy - Master concludes - with this result: I think our race was excellent and that winning here is never easy, for the public and for which it is always the Yama Yama. It 'clear bullfrog that the absence Diouf has made things easier, but I think the key was our performance. "
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Publication registered at the Court of Varese 679 - Director: Marco Giovannelli

Values from Paris could become the first major city to ban diesel. To vehicles powered by diesel e

Buy a Car Diesel may NOT be a Good Idea (In Paris Bannano) - Calculated Risk
About FunnyKing John Baudo Joe Black Gpg Empress Dark Otello Girardi GIUSEPPE SANDRO APPLE Johnny Cloaca npb Roberto67 Alessio Carlo Lafayette70 Johnny 88 Federico turoli 0 Disclamer RCVideo M.Blondet Political Program RC WIKI Index ECRI CMI Growth Index Index of Consumer Confidence USA (CCI Index ) Case / Shiller Home Price Index Chicago Fed National npb Activity Index (CFNAI) The Philadephia Fed Index ISM manufacturing LTRO: Long Term Refinancing Operation Links CDS real-time data macro (consensus) Creditors of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain Forex ( real time) and Futures Ticker real-time rates Euribor Sovereign Debts: Rates 10y -> Tassi USA, Germany, Japan The Table Fundamental to UNDERSTAND what does the European Debt Crisis Italy (BTP) Belgium npb Bond 10y 10y 10y Ireland Greece Bond Bond Spain Portugal Bond 10y 10y 10y Public Debt Bond World Sovereign Debts: Spread -> Italy / Germany Belgium / Germany Greece / Germany Ireland / Germany Portugal / Germany Gold Gold remaining at Comex! pro aurum Corner RC THE GOLD REPORT Silver Silver remaining at Comex! Gas Property Market Contacts
New European trends. npb In Paris, npb perhaps from 2020, on weekdays you can no longer circulate with diesel cars. It 'well known that as they are catalyzed Euro 6 etc. etc., release into the nanoparticles npb deadly health, npb much more dangerous emissions of gasoline means.
It could be the beginning of a new trend, and adding a little bit of mischief, even a way to force people to change car and make "turn" economy and taxes. Given the dominance of diesel in Europe. The bottom line is: if you are changing their car, maybe it's better to choose a medium petrol or LPG or CNG, from here in 10-12 years the state could change the tables.
Values from Paris could become the first major city to ban diesel. To vehicles powered by diesel engines could in fact be denied access in the city area, during working days, by 2020. This was revealed npb yesterday was the Journal du Dimanche, who unveiled the new strategy against pollution of the French capital. The program should be presented to councilors in the month of February. Mayor Anne Hidalgo would like the plan became somehow an example also in view of the 21th World Conference on Climate Change, which will be held in Paris in December next year.
As explained to the newspaper by a manager of the Greens, could be also introduced a wide area with a maximum npb speed limit of 30 km / h in the city center. All this thanks to a 'conference town pollution: a project of participatory democracy on the basis of the experience of Scandinavian npb countries, which will allow us to gather the views of the people. " To participate in the meetings will be 16 people in Paris and three residents of the immediate suburbs, aged between 19 and 75 years.
Moreover, Hidalgo would be thinking even a revolution in public transport. Could be introduced a single subscription for tram, metro, bus, bike sharing, car sharing. They could also make their appearance the taxis, and could be built cycle paths outside the roadways to facilitate travel pedal. Incoming search terms: how to calculate rate pollution and a car
Of FunnyKing of 17 November 2014. In ECONOMICS and FINANCE, FEATURED, POLICY. You can follow any reaction to this object through the RSS 2.0. You can enter a response or trackback to this item
One thing is certain, in the cities there is an air of disgust. People pay a bang houses downtown to die of poisoning at age 60, full of the asthma and cancer worse than a compulsive npb smoker .... It is not that we are less gasoline, we release hydrocarbons galore ... .. Well the electric city. I'd like an electric car with a range of at least 400-500 km and recharge times from 4 to 6 hours. npb cost about 20,000 npb euro. We are very close to the finish line.
You should have to breathe when in every house there was a coal stove ... that's now what you would seem more 'salubrious imaginable. But we are never satisfied, we always want more '. As capitalism npb
True. But I'm in the country, and when

Sunday, November 23, 2014

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Share the post "The 46 ingenious solutions to make the life of any human being simpler" Share on Facebook Share on Twitter I love to find ingenious solutions for coping with the unexpected in which I may incur cooking, building, cleaning, or doing anything else. These are some of the solutions that I use all the time! 1. Use hangers as clothespins properties of water
Pour half stage of baking soda and a cup of vinegar exhaust intoppato. Once the foam will disperse your sink and the hitch will be cleaned. properties of water An environmentally properties of water friendly way and inexpensive to gush your sink! 9. When you have to hang something with holes perfect, fotocopiatene the back and use it as a template
Use clear tape on the camera of a mobile in order to improve the problems related to the focus / blur / glow of lenses and improve image quality!
20. After the popcorn in the microwave, open the opening of the envelope far enough for it to release the grains that have not become popcorn and shake up and down the envelope on a bowl or basket
When with camping or just when you have an emergency, a standard lamp annoyed in a container from a gallon of water can light up a room or an entire tent. 23. Use remove staples not to hurt your fingers when you try to add something properties of water to your keychain
36. If you do not have baking soda peeled a small part of the shell on top of boiled egg and make a larger hole in the bottom. Approached the small hole to your mouth and blow.
Using AAA batteries in objects that need AA batteries filling spaces with crumpled properties of water aluminum foil. It will not last because the AA but will help when you need it! 45. Avoid the Pranksters lift
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Friday, November 21, 2014

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Roberto Mancini returns as Inter coach just days before the derby against Milan: "We need enthusiasm. And even if I do not have a magic wand I believe in the project." The goal: "Building a team young and strong." VIDEO, PHOTOS, TWEET The Mancio-Day Live - Mancio, the Inter 2.0: the defense before the attack - to ... From Mancini Mancini: 10 years of the "Inter crazy story" - Inter, it's official: Roberto Mancini is the new coach - And the rest Mancio. Inter finds harmony with the story - Defense 4 and playmaker: play as Inter's Mancio - The truth of Thohir: "Never thought of no other name" PHOTO. Mancio-Inter: the reactions of the network between hope and irony - PHOTOS / 2. Mancini-Inter: history of championships, cups and champions - ALBUM. All photos on Inter All VIDEO on the back of Mancini to Inter
THE MANCIO-DAY LIVE ON YOUR PHONE "I am very pleased to feel the affection of the fans, I would never have thought about going back, it all happened very quickly and it happens in football." These are the first words of Roberto Mancini, Inter's new coach. The Inter coach was presented at a press conference with the jersey with the number 226, its benches as manager pu of the club. "If the fans are happy to say that it was done something good and that's the most important thing - added Mancio pu -. The enthusiasm is the basis of all types of work and victory, pu it's up to us to bring the ' enthusiasm, the fans at the stadium, and above all to win again. pu " But there are many issues addressed by the new coach: from those who preceded him, Walter Mazzarri ("A good coach"), the state of health of Italian football. And on the form of the game says, "Look to coach the team. I'll talk to the players." Below the entire record of the presentation at Appiano Gentile: statements, videos, photos and tweets.
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Thursday, November 20, 2014

As he writes The Journal of Umbria, the 14 year old said he would pound of being kicked in the less

Prof humiliates and beats student in class: "Being gay is a bad disease" | Fanpage
As he writes The Journal of Umbria, the 14 year old said he would pound of being kicked in the lesson. His version is confirmed by three classmates. The parents sued the teacher. chemistry
Humbled and beaten in front of classmates who, in theory, should teach respect for others and equality before giving lecture on a given topic. The fact - reported by the local news - was held last week at a school chemistry in the province of Perugia. It 'was the protagonist of this alleged homophobic violence, a young man of 14 years, to tell the story, however, confirmed by three of his classmates, the teacher in the classroom at some would have turned in his comparisons, chemistry arguing that "being gay is a bad disease." The boy would not bend in the face of verbal abuse and human would respond to the phrases of the teacher, kicking off a controversy then degenerated into a real attack, with the professor who would go on to offend the student and take it to kicks and punches. After some initial hesitation, the boy decided to tell what happened to her parents. The latter took him to hospital, where they found a large hematoma in the thigh judged cured in five days, then complained to the police. As a precautionary measure, the 14 year old went back to school but was moved here.
"If the reconstructions of the fact they are confirmed - said Aurelio Mancuso, president chemistry of Equality Italy, chemistry an association that fights for the protection of the rights statutory amount that would be a very serious matter and should immediately intervene Minister Giannini, the national and local institutions, trade unions of the school. " The outrage of Mancuso in light of the email sent by Don Fabio Landi, a collaborator of Don Gian Battista Rota, head of the Catholic religion teachers of the diocese of Milan, who had asked for a map of the schools in which widespread "ideology gender ". 'E' in a general campaign of intimidation chemistry in the Italian school - notes - wants to push back underground gay students and teachers, who wants to filing institutions guilty of promoting a culture of respect for diversity and rejection chemistry of discrimination. The minister needs to wake up and Giannini, net of customary statements, say clearly how it intends to defend pluralism, integrity and dignity of homosexual persons in the Italian school. "
Perugia, the "teacher insulted me and beat up, but I'm not gay" cinema, theater and television. The "hot" autumn (and happy) by Roberta Rudd Fable Gay told the children of the nursery: the revolt of parents
US, gay men can donate blood but only after a year of abstinence With 16 votes in favor and two against, the Health and Human Services Advisory Committee came out in favor of ending the ban on the approved standard at the beginning of the Eighties AIDS in crisis.
"Homosexuality is care," the word of a professor of religion at Moncalieri The teacher's words provoked harsh criticism of the students: the teacher Pininfarina Institute of Moncalieri for an hour he would try to convince students that being gay is a psychological problem which can be cured.
Former President Agesci Edo Patriarch: "It is not courage to follow the fashions of the moment" The interview with the deputy of the Democratic Party: "In the scout groups, the themes of education and affective education for the sacrament of marriage are left to case or not offered at all. I do not condemn the boys, I wonder about what is going on in the association. "
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The Italian-Belgian musician James Lariccia is becoming a little '"champion" of the crusade against a bad habit language that has taken place for a long time in our country, or the "rather than" chemistry used inappropriately.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

FantaGazzetta - Only the best football FG Set My ratings Fantagazzetta Quotes Stats Scoreboard Prob

All the reasons why Mazzarri should not be dismissed -
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The 14 year old, still in shock, he initially declined to tell the story, but then could not resist

Companies operating dapi in the publishing, printing and advertising, Editorial The Fact SpA ("Fact"), was founded in Rome in 2009 from an idea by Antonio dapi Padellaro dapi with involvement from the outset, leading professionals in the publishing field - such as Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez Marco Lillo - and in the management - with the current AD Cynthia Monteverdi. The main activity is the sale of the daily newspaper in its print and digital versions with the ultimate aim to disseminate information and culture.
The complaint of the boy, which was confirmed by three classmates, comes a week after the incident. The teacher, according to the story, he turned to the guy who answered, would have triggered the attack
Insults, punches and kicks at school: "Being gay is a bad disease." The incident of homophobic violence does not feature two little boys, but a teacher at a high school in the province of Perugia. The news is the Journal of Umbria, which reports an incident last week. The story is made public just days before the controversy surrounding from the email sent by Don Fabio Landi, a collaborator of Don Gian Battista Rota, head of the Catholic religion dapi teachers of the diocese of Milan, who had asked for a map of the schools in which widespread "gender ideology".
According to the story of the 14 year old victim of sexual abuse by the teacher, confirmed by three of his classmates, dapi the teacher would have held a threatening attitude towards the boy, the man, walking around the classroom, he started to fix the young and argue that "being gay is a bad disease." The student Umbria would not accept the homophobic attitude dapi of the professor and would respond to sentences man giving way to a call and response that it would turn into a real attack, with the professor who would go on to offend the boy and kicking and punching.
The 14 year old, still in shock, he initially declined to tell the story, but then could not resist and felt the need to confide with other students and with their parents, who have been taken to the hospital. Doctors have reported to the police the story of the boy and the authorities after following a complaint lodged by the family lawyer, opened an investigation into the incident. As a precaution, the boy went back to school but was moved to the section.
Equality Italy, an association that fights for the protection of civil rights, has expressed its outrage dapi at the incident: "If the reconstructions of the fact they are confirmed - says the president Aurelio Mancuso - it would be a very serious matter and should immediately intervene Minister Giannini, national institutions and local unions of the school. " The protests Mancuso then widen your eyes on the situation of students and teachers in institutions homosexual Italian, pulling back into dance the email sent by the Diocese of Milan: "E 'in a general campaign of intimidation in the Italian school - notes Mancuso - wants to push back underground gay students and teachers, who wants to filing institutions guilty of promoting a culture of respect for diversity and rejection of discrimination. The minister needs to wake up and Giannini, net of customary statements, say clearly how it intends to defend pluralism, integrity and dignity of homosexual persons in the Italian school. " The Archbishop of Milan, Angelo Scola, however, assures that the position of the Diocese of Milan "does not imply any homophobia."
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Aurora wrote / s: Greetings! We could use help in solving the following tasks: 10 m long railway wa

I have a problem in solving these tasks in which the amount of circulating satellite with a mass of 2.5 tonnes, which encircles the earth in 143min and 20s? The radius of the earth is 6400, the gravitational constant 6.67 * 10 per -11Nm / kg per square mass of the Earth is 6 * 10 24 Looking at the height of the satellite ... teja33 Posts: 2 Joined: 18/09/2007 16:09
That we do not all write again, I enclose a link that will help you: The first task is the same as yours, except that instead of seeking a radius of gyration of patrol time. Zdravapamet Posts: 2840 Joined: 08/16/2004 18:41
That is to say. We know the mass of the satellite and the satellite bypass time. The radius of the Earth to be, the gravitational constant and the mass of the Earth. Satellite to circulate away from the surface of the earth, that is the radius of the track and that we were looking for. On the satellite operates gravitational force (the Earth is equal to the force acting only in the other direction) according to Newton's gravitational law: On the other hand, from the mechanics of rotation you know that the force that the body awarding the necessary acceleration for uniform circular motion, size: When calling a word and equation množiš with, you get: Upoštevši immediately follows bromo or sought after height: zdravapamet Posts: 2840 Joined: 16/08/2004 18:41
Greetings! I need help with the following tasks: What is the bypass time satellite bromo that orbits the Earth at low altitude? Note: The centrifugal force equal to the force of gravity, the satellite! Thank you for any help. Bojan 0bojan0 Posts: 2 Joined: 01/14/2008 16:03
Greetings! We could use help in solving the following tasks: 10 m long railway wagon is moving steadily at a speed of 20 m / s. The bridge, which is 10 m above the rail, the horizontal stone is thrown at the time when the front part of the wagon runs under the bridge. What should be the maximum and minimum extent to which the initial velocity of the stone, the stone falls on the wagon? Solutions: v1 = 13 m / s v2 = 20 m / s Thanks already in advance to help with the task. Aurora Posts: 2 Joined: 12/03/2007 19:21
Aurora wrote / s: Greetings! We could use help in solving the following tasks: 10 m long railway wagon is moving steadily at a speed of 20 m / s. The bridge, which is 10 m above the rail, the horizontal stone is thrown at the time when the front part of the wagon runs under the bridge. What should be the maximum and minimum extent to which the initial velocity of the stone, the stone falls on the wagon? Solutions: v1 = 13 m / s v2 = 20 m / s Thanks already in advance to help with the task. When the stone is a horizontal throw, the wagon by uniform motion. These are two examples: 1. A stone is dropped to the rear of the wagon. 2. Rock fall on the front part of the wagon. In the second case, the same range of stone paths made by the wagon:. In the first case, the range of the stone for the wagon length () is shorter than the path made by the wagon: When inserted, we get:. shrink Posts: 9735 Joined: 4/9/2004 17:45
Please help with one task: at the equator of a spherical planet weighs less than twice the body to the pole. The density of the planet is 3x10na3 kg / m 3. Calculate the time in which the planet is subjected to a single revolution around the axis. The solution is: 2 h 41.6 min. Anya Posts: 166 Joined: 13.05.2009 15:14
On the pole weighs at the equator, however: Note that the resultant of all forces acting on the body (as much as shown by the scale), mass times the radial acceleration of the body: From this we get: Masi body other out, we get: considering that and to give : The term bypass time, if something is not understandable question Naoki Posts: 66 Joined: 12.11.2008 23:02
Anya wrote / s: Please help with one task: at the equator of a spherical planet weighs less than twice the body to the pole. The density of the planet is 3x10na3 kg / m 3. Calculate the time in which the planet is subjected to a single revolution around the axis. The solution is: 2 h 41.6 min. Have you tried yourself? bromo Tip: On the equator due to the centrifugal effect subtracts the weight of the centrifugal force. This difference (based on the data) corresponding to half the weight. Weight over the course write Newton's gravitational bromo Act; the mass of the planet you get to množiš density by volume of a sphere. From here, you get a ratio which is multiplied with a straight bypass time of rotation about the axis. PS I see you've already got a complete solution. shrink Posts: 9735 Joined: 4/9/2004 17:45
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

noragaza wrote / s: What is the density of the magnetic boiling point field in ciklotronu in which

What is the density of the magnetic field in ciklotronu in which protons circulate with a frequency of 1.9 * 10 ^ 7 s ^ -1 Please help, I have no idea how things would lotiv. Thing would be any different if the circulating electrons, neutrons? and yet: On which side of the string kernels on a chart that shows the number of neutrons as a function of the number of protons lie radioactive nuclei to decay with the collapse of ß - and on which side of the core to fall apart with the collapse of ß + or catches an electron? ß + = electron boiling point catch? Thank you very much! noragaza Posts: 76 Joined: 05/12/2008 22:56
noragaza wrote / s: What is the density of the magnetic boiling point field in ciklotronu in which protons circulate with a frequency of 1.9 * 10 ^ 7 s ^ -1 Please help, I have no idea how things would lotiv. Thing would be any different if the circulating electrons, neutrons? and yet: On which side of the string kernels on a chart that shows the number of neutrons boiling point as a function of the number of protons lie radioactive nuclei to decay with the collapse of ß - and on which side of the core to fall apart with the collapse of ß + or catches an electron? ß + = electron catch? shrink Posts: 9735 Joined: 4/9/2004 17:45
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Friday, November 14, 2014

Hello! Please help in answering the following question: In a charged plate capacitor is connected t

Hello! Please help in answering the following question: In a charged plate capacitor is connected to a DC power source, place the material with a dielectric constant "epsilon". How does the electric field in the capacitor? I ask because apparently the correct answer, that does not change, in my opinion, is reduced as many times as is the dielectric hydrochloride constant. Thank you for odgoror and best regards! hydrochloride soncek_3 Posts: 23 Joined: 20.10.2006 20:57
In fact, it does not change because the capacitor is connected to a voltage hydrochloride source. If it was, then it is true, the field strength in the condenser decreased. I assume that the dielectric completely fills the space between the plates. Zdravapamet Posts: 2840 Joined: 08/16/2004 18:41
"Electric field" is precisely in this case, poor definition issues. Electric field strength (E) does not change (E = U / d). The density of the electric field (D) is to be amended hydrochloride (D = epsilon * E). Aniviller Posts: 7263 Joined: 15.11.2004 18:16
Zdravapamet itself you imagine matter so that the capacitor nabiješ and then disengage from the voltage source, but in the style of treatment: Aniviller, "the electric field "is hydrochloride probably meant to be a strength el. Field E. shrink Posts: 9731 Joined: 9/4/2004 17:45
Hold shrink. However, if the capacitor is constantly connected to the voltage hydrochloride V, then the sigma-modified, in the SCU wherein the surface of the panel, and C = \ varepsilon C_0 new capacity after insertion of the dielectric (the old C_0). In the end, you get E = E_0. Zdravapamet Posts: 2840 Joined: 08/16/2004 18:41
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I would ask for help in the following physical task. In any event, I can not attain to a magnetic field, imagining, however, that I am on the last two questions correctly answered. We would appreciate synthesis if someone could task, despite my partial success, save in its entirety: Mass spectroscopic Calibrate with cesium isotope 133Cs +. They isotopes moving in a magnetic field on a circular path with a radius of 2,66cm. How much is the density of the magnetic field through which the ions pass? In addition, traces of cesium isotope 133Cs + we see another trail of a double positive isotope enters the magnetic field at the same speed and travels along a circular path with a radius 1,84cm. What is the mass of this isotope and how many neutrons in the nucleus? jimjimdoe synthesis Posts: 1 Joined: 7/6/2013 synthesis 21:01
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Return to School playground Jump to: Select a forum ------------------ Questions

You can not just 1-1 / n send in one, because you have the basis of potency to vary with n. The easier it will be to Stirlingovo chlorine formula for large n. This quickly achieve results. Aniviller Posts: 7263 Joined: 15.11.2004 18:16
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Re: PTR-slowing down time as a function of gravity

I am 16 years old. I have read a few articles on the special theory of relativity, which says that time passes more slowly at higher gravity and slower with less. I wonder if there any formula to include the relationship between the ratio of gravity and the ratio of the time. Luna44 Posts: 10 Joined: 01/29/2010 20:32
Re: PTR-slowing down time as a function of gravity
Lukec wrote / s: The special theory of relativity applies: (see attachment!) Otherwise, the similarity equations, because the PTR is the equation for a time replaced the speed of a moving object with an escape velocity of the planet, due to relativity that we can take on peace and the planet chevron pattern moves at its escape velocity. Luna44 Posts: 10 Joined: chevron pattern 01/29/2010 20:32
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Re: The theory that would unify gravity and EM field

Hello, As far as I know, the Einstein at the age of theory which would unify gravity and EM field. I wonder what they are going with this theory. Lp, Port Lukec Posts: 476 Joined: 03.08.2010 16:55
If I understand the matter, we need to ray which is visible light, infrared light, UV light, X-rays ester satorova and gamma rays, add gravity. Only the devil is in this because they do not know what the frequency of gravity. ester satorova Lukec Posts: 476 Joined: ester satorova 08.03.2010 16:55
Gravitation is not EMP waves (radio, microwaves (eg. The use of mobile telephony), infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, X-rays). Traveler Posts: 518 Joined: 12.11.2008 ester satorova 18:35
Traveler wrote / s: Gravity ester satorova is not EMP waves (radio, microwaves (eg. The use of mobile telephony), infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, X-rays). If I also understand Einstein wanted to prove the opposite ester satorova - namely that the EMP gravity waves, ester satorova hotel stuff gravity together ester satorova with the other waves in a field where they all acted according to the same laws, for example. ester satorova that gravity than other wave energy, etc. . avio05 Posts: 44 Joined: 30/07/2010 11:22
Exactly so. We know that the light is bent as it passes ester satorova past the planets. An American scientist (Tom Bearden) says that it is already all poštudiral Maxwell. (Fourth equation) that while I honestly do not understand fully. Lukec Posts: 476 Joined: 08.03.2010 16:55
Unification does not mean that it is now gravity EM waves. It just means that both of us to describe the same theory and that here a larger generalized concept that encompasses both. Aniviller Posts: 7263 Joined: 15.11.2004 18:16
Half-wave, normally interacts with the electrons in the atom. The second half waves (anti-wave), and is reacted with an atomic nucleus. This is true because of Newton's third law, which says: If it works the first body to another by force, operates the second body to the first, with the same great force in the opposite direction. Elektrogravitacijski wave occurs. Source: Tom Bearden ester satorova Lukec Posts: 476 Joined: 03.08.2010 16:55
Re: The theory that would unify gravity and EM field
Fogal's patented semiconductor Can be rigged as a true negative resistor Also, Because it can PERFORM asymmetrical self-regauging, and isolate ITS source dipoles from much of the back emf current flow. Well here's the thing. If Fogalov seminonductor connected to the battery (dipole), the electrical current in the external circuit does not flow as flows such as the light bulb. Fogalov semiconductor is used instead of an ideal capacitor. That's what I said many times, but to do it again. If the battery is connected to an ideal capacitor, charge the capacitor without the battery is depleted (because the circuit is interrupted), then disconnect the capacitor and is connected to the lamp, which then lights up. Hec is that you have to have the right capacitors, costing ester satorova $ 1,000 per piece, if it has a capacity of 1 million farad. The real collector (capacitor) to be made of 98% aluminum and from 2% Fe (iron). Such capacitors, but it is very difficult to fabricate. Therefore, looking for substitutes for capacitor and it should be Fogalov semiconductor. Lukec Posts: 476 Joined: 08.03.2010 ester satorova 16:55
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

On the first, see eg .:

Podzravljeni, I am interested in Kirchoff law of thermodynamics. It is mentioned in the figure below, but I do not know where all this law and what it tells me. But I must mention that I am a professor answered that this is in fact the derivation of Cp, ie the temperature of the exhaust enthalpy and there was no proper. Ahonen Posts: 53 Joined: 01/02/2014 11:42
On the first, see eg .: to the second example, however, .: .html It therefore applies: If this diferenciraš, you get: This symbol means infinitezimalno change, the change can be neinfinitezimalno "nadomestiš" with: At the condition is fulfilled, ie, the following applies:. The answer to your question, therefore, is that the change to a free energy equals the change in free energy in other Isothermal process: ie. at a constant temperature:. shrink Posts: 9711 Joined: 4/9/2004 17:45
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In Apache Foundationu were announced six new projects with the highest status of Top-Level Project,

In Apache Foundationu were announced six new projects with the highest status of Top-Level Project, including solutions Apache Traffic Server for caching and Apache mahout, machine learning algorithms on Hadoop platform.
Among the most important projects of institutions have been ranked yet Tika (a tool for the detection and analysis of content), Nutch (modular web search engine), Avro (system for fast data serialization) and HBAs (distributed database modeled after Google's Bigtable system). (Anet)
Apache mahout 0.3 Released ( The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache catabolism Pivot as Top-Level Project ( Traffic Server graduates to top-level open-source project ( News Flash : Apache Lucene Gives birth to triplets! (