Thursday, November 20, 2014

As he writes The Journal of Umbria, the 14 year old said he would pound of being kicked in the less

Prof humiliates and beats student in class: "Being gay is a bad disease" | Fanpage
As he writes The Journal of Umbria, the 14 year old said he would pound of being kicked in the lesson. His version is confirmed by three classmates. The parents sued the teacher. chemistry
Humbled and beaten in front of classmates who, in theory, should teach respect for others and equality before giving lecture on a given topic. The fact - reported by the local news - was held last week at a school chemistry in the province of Perugia. It 'was the protagonist of this alleged homophobic violence, a young man of 14 years, to tell the story, however, confirmed by three of his classmates, the teacher in the classroom at some would have turned in his comparisons, chemistry arguing that "being gay is a bad disease." The boy would not bend in the face of verbal abuse and human would respond to the phrases of the teacher, kicking off a controversy then degenerated into a real attack, with the professor who would go on to offend the student and take it to kicks and punches. After some initial hesitation, the boy decided to tell what happened to her parents. The latter took him to hospital, where they found a large hematoma in the thigh judged cured in five days, then complained to the police. As a precautionary measure, the 14 year old went back to school but was moved here.
"If the reconstructions of the fact they are confirmed - said Aurelio Mancuso, president chemistry of Equality Italy, chemistry an association that fights for the protection of the rights statutory amount that would be a very serious matter and should immediately intervene Minister Giannini, the national and local institutions, trade unions of the school. " The outrage of Mancuso in light of the email sent by Don Fabio Landi, a collaborator of Don Gian Battista Rota, head of the Catholic religion teachers of the diocese of Milan, who had asked for a map of the schools in which widespread "ideology gender ". 'E' in a general campaign of intimidation chemistry in the Italian school - notes - wants to push back underground gay students and teachers, who wants to filing institutions guilty of promoting a culture of respect for diversity and rejection chemistry of discrimination. The minister needs to wake up and Giannini, net of customary statements, say clearly how it intends to defend pluralism, integrity and dignity of homosexual persons in the Italian school. "
Perugia, the "teacher insulted me and beat up, but I'm not gay" cinema, theater and television. The "hot" autumn (and happy) by Roberta Rudd Fable Gay told the children of the nursery: the revolt of parents
US, gay men can donate blood but only after a year of abstinence With 16 votes in favor and two against, the Health and Human Services Advisory Committee came out in favor of ending the ban on the approved standard at the beginning of the Eighties AIDS in crisis.
"Homosexuality is care," the word of a professor of religion at Moncalieri The teacher's words provoked harsh criticism of the students: the teacher Pininfarina Institute of Moncalieri for an hour he would try to convince students that being gay is a psychological problem which can be cured.
Former President Agesci Edo Patriarch: "It is not courage to follow the fashions of the moment" The interview with the deputy of the Democratic Party: "In the scout groups, the themes of education and affective education for the sacrament of marriage are left to case or not offered at all. I do not condemn the boys, I wonder about what is going on in the association. "
Happy time for the unforgettable chemistry Carlotta I Cesaroni. A theater with the comedy I take Borrow your wife to the movies in the memory of the great Franco Califano on TV on iLikeTv. With an eye Expo 2015
The Italian-Belgian musician James Lariccia is becoming a little '"champion" of the crusade against a bad habit language that has taken place for a long time in our country, or the "rather than" chemistry used inappropriately.
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