In Dictionary of Chemistry (Balai Pustaka, 2002) chloroform interpreted as a colorless liquid with a sweet odor, pleasant and anesthetics. Chloroform is also called haloform. This is because bromine and chlorine also reacts dtt with metal ketone; each of which produces bromoform and chloroform. It is called the CHX 3 or haloform, the reaction is often called the reaction halofor m.
Chloroform is also known as trichloromethane, methane triklorid, trichloroform, triklorid methyl, and formyl dtt triklorid. Chloroform molecular formula: CHCl 3. While the chemical dtt structure of chloroform can be seen below:
Terms manufacture according to the haloform reaction is a use of materials which, when oxidized alcohol produces acetyl group (CH 3 COO) attached to the H or C. The haloform reaction takes place in three levels:
In making or synthesizing chloroform to note a few things, namely the presence of oxygen from the air and sunlight, chloroform can be slowly oxidized by phosgene (highly toxic gas). So to prevent the formation of phosgene, chloroform stored dtt in brown bottles are filled and containing 0.5 to 1% ethanol. The ethanol functions as a binder when phosgene is formed.
Chloroform haloalkane compound dtt is a compound that binds to three halogen dtt atoms chlorine (Cl) on its C chain. Chloroform compounds can be made with basic ingredients such as organic compounds having a methyl group (-CH 3) attached to the C atom of the carbonyl or hydroxy C reagent reacted with halogens (Cl 2). Some compounds can form chloroform and other haloform compounds are:
The structure of haloalkane compound dtt formed from halogenated process consists of a carbon-halogen bond sigma formed by mutual orbital overwrite a halogen atom and a carbon atom hybrid orbitals. A halogen to form a covalent bond and therefore there is no bond angles around this atom. However, carbon using the same type of hybrid dtt orbitals to bind halogen, hydrogen or other carbon dtt atoms.
III. Equipment and Materials
At the time of this lab, we conducted an experiment dtt of making chloroform. Needs to be known in the manufacture of chloroform reaction is a substitution reaction. Substitution reaction is a reaction in which an atom, ion, or group substituted for (replace) atoms, ions or other group. Substitution reactions of alkyl halides, alkyl halides called leaving group (leaving group) a term meaning any group that can be removed from the bond with a carbon atom. In practical terms only Cl, Br, I was pretty good leaving group, making it useful in substitution reactions. Substitution process generally occurs in species nucleophile (nucleus lover / lover of positive nuclei) dtt and elektofil dtt species (electrons lover / lover negative nuclei). A nucleophile is any species that is interested in unity positive center. So a nucleophile is a Lewis base. While an electrophile is any species that is interested in a little market center dtt negative. So an electrophile is a Lewis acid. An electrophilic substitution reaction is due to the species that are attracted towards the electronegative dtt and electron-rich atoms.
Chloroform dtt can be made via the electrophilic substitution reaction H atoms ά all carbonyl compounds bergugus acetyl (CH 3 CO -) in alkaline conditions. Materials can also be used when the alcohol dtt is oxidized generating acetyl group
In this experiment performed the compound chloroform (CHCl 3) of chlorine and acetone via electrophilic substitution reaction. The initial steps are reacting chlorine (CaOCl 2) which is a white powder (solid) as much as 30 grams with 250 mL of water into a round bottom flask as he rocked back and forth to form a perfect suspension. This mixing process produces calcium hydroxide, Ca (OH) 2 which is alkaline and Cl 2.
The next step is to pour 25 mL of alcohol gradually while shaken so that the reaction is complete with Cl 2 derived from mixing chlorine and water will form acetyl dtt chloride (CCl 3 COCH 3)
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The next process is to do a distillation flask containing Klo