Friday, July 25, 2014

Three of my children have been through the campus and inhabitants of various residences - and is pr

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Kevin du Plessis (23), the editor of Wapad, NWU-Puk's campus newspaper, Sunday morning cheesecloth in the early hours assaulted, cheesecloth allegedly by a fellow student who claimed Du Plessis has not "proud residence" no.
Du Plessis cheesecloth Monday at Marula Media said the Sunday morning attack occurred about 04:00 at a familiar venue in Potchefstroom, Bourbon Street. "Saturday we went to the lake for a friend's 21th birthday celebration and were later Bourbons then because it was the only place that was open," he said. Du Plessis and his friend is a girl meet and when the bar closed at 04:00, they continue in the parking lot talking.
"There in the parking area has a second-year student who is a resident of Veritas men's residence, knocked around and under my other comments that I residence pride. It was apparently largely because the initiation which we reported on Veritas residence was applicable. "
The student Du Plessis believes bumped again, then he fell. Du Plessis arose, then the student in the face has. Du Plessis allegedly retaliated in self-defense. The fight was then broken up by bystanders.
"I do not want to make trouble student. I just want a stand against the supposedly cheesecloth 'residence traditions "at the indoctrinate students are. The 'initiation traditions' and' residence cheesecloth pride by older students to new students enforced, cheesecloth and I want to expose it, because cheesecloth they are the victims, cheesecloth "said Du Plessis.
Prof. John Froneman, of the NWU-Puk's School of Communication Studies, on Monday his views on campus press freedom shared on Facebook. He described the attack on "Residence pride" and confirmed that Du Plessis was "the bravest student editor I the past 23 years on the Puk Campus saw." He said Wapad on top of that stopped, probably to the end of the year, because cheesecloth they supposedly owe R80 000. "A request that a story about the attack on the internet could be placed, cheesecloth is the director of marketing and communications has been dismissed. This is all in line with other events in recent cheesecloth months and confirmed that freedom of speech on the Puk Campus' experienced a severe attack. Do we as teachers really this quiet? "Froneman said the incident as serious.
Meanwhile Marula Media Saturday morning an e-mail received from a writer who asked the journalist if he ever himself in a residence and whether he ever self initiated. "Because if you were, you would know it's trite, normal cheesecloth and fun for all involved, even if you end up g * t up like on that picture supposedly so shocking 'is. My g * t it about once a month so equal to each transit camp in my first year - the 'cool' skinnydip cheesecloth in the river after the disciplinary case is a decades-old residence tradition of the best memories of my hostel life so far. I took pictures of all of our first 20 in the river is our g *** e so purple, and believe me, each and every one of us is just proud of the fact that we as men could take part and be a challenge that we older brothers, fathers, grandfathers's even some hundreds of African men since the 50's participated and survived. "[sic]
following section Boshof father suspected of incest A father of Boshoff in the Free State of incest is suspected, on Monday denied bail and the court for sexual offenses in Bloemfontein refer.
Firstly, I argue that the first author may set a person is assaulted if so the court decided. Point number two is that the student allegations of assault is not in residence cheesecloth ... He was for four years a resident and has since gone private. The incident was one of a meningsgeskil and it was plainly just a fight between two guys ... Media searching cheesecloth again sensation cheesecloth ... The hostel's name here dragged and nothing to do ... The release is pure slander and I will be careful I divulge what if I was the author ...
Three of my children have been through the campus and inhabitants of various residences - and is proud to have been (hostel campus pride and pride). It's just sad how one side of the story in such media and not backing out of situations and vendettas or actions which are formed by guys who refuse to be part of a hostel / campus albeit cheesecloth without initiation.
Kevin was four years in the same hostel itself been. Although I disagree with some things that happen in residences, is di

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