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Alifbaba is a great find from the children's App Store to learn the Arabic script. Developed eka children learning app Alifbaba of Education, who their app even thrown in a German iTunes description of what we find very commendable. Within the app, the children meet once numerous animals they slowly introduce them to the Arabic language and Arabic characters, without overwhelming them.
In an Oriental House different animals eka live together under one roof. Even a dolphin we have discovered dabbling in a bathtub. Each window can be selected and then leads to learning game.
Just like learning apps for Japanese characters, eka which we have already tested in the team, apps are, of course, for very good for learning the lively Arabic script. By nachspuhrt one character after another with a finger or capacitive pen, you have enough practice with a soon literally the hang of it.
Each letter and each animal name is pronounced with Arabic language edition, both in the mode where the children nachschreiben the characters, as well as the coloring pages that are offered as a reward. There is also another area where the kids have to spell the word with turning wheels Arabic. Between these three areas can change very quickly, which the user interface is very well thought out and appropriate for children.
The most beautiful and best way to learn the letters of the Arabic alphabet. For children (and adults) over 4 years. A beautifully illustrated app that arouses eka the curiosity and imagination of children and much learning fun guaranteed! The Alifbaba animals live together in a beautiful house, where every animal has its own room. Will you visit it? How nice!
Playful your child learns to recognize sounds eka and different endings of the Arabic letters. With this knowledge, it can even spell words. In addition, your child can write your own letter to paint animals and draw! And celebrate with the animals in the yard and dance! A complete and very educational app that will meet your expectations. For children and parents made that enthusiastic about the Arabic language.
تعالوا وزوروا حيوانات الأبجدية في دار ألفبابا في مؤسسة ألف باء! لا توجد طريقة أجمل وأكثر فائدة من ذلك في تعلم حروف الأبجدية العربية. تم إعداده للأطفال (والكبار) من سن 4 سنوات فما فوق. يثير التطبيق ذو الرسوم الجميلة فضول الأطفال ويحفز خيالهم ويحول التعلم إلى متعة كبيرة! يعيش حيوانات ألفبابا معا في بيت رائع لكل منهم فيه غرفته الخاصة. هل تودون زيارتهم? أهلا وسهلا بكم! يتعلم طفلكم أثناء لعبه مع الحيوانات التعرف على أصوات الحروف العربية ونهاياتها المختلفة في الكتابة العربية. وبعد ذلك يمكنه استخدام هذه المعرفة لتهجئة الكلمات بنفسه. إضافة إلى ذلك, سيتمكن طفلكم من كتابة الحروف ورسم صور الحيوانات وتلوينها. وينتهي كل ذلك بحفل راقص مع الحيوانات في الفناء! إنه باختصار تطبيق كامل وتعليمي جدا يقدم إليكم ما تتوقعونه منه حقا. وهو معد لأطفال الأشخاص الذين يحبون اللغة العربية. Alifbaba | Kids App Rating: Very Good!
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