Thursday, March 27, 2014

A requirement for - true to the spirit logical positivism, states that due to the nature waterfal

Distinction in the waterfall between "verification" and "validation" indicates one of the major difficulties dapi in any scientific research, but he advocates the perception that one of the main objects of science is explaining phenomena that occur in the world. Scientific explanation must be affiliated to the human experience for observed phenomena, and has an objective character. Thus, the explanation meet two important criteria:
Relevant explanatory requirement - not enough information to explain the phenomenon, its causes and circumstances; must allow the predictable. Elaborate explanation of certain conditions, which, if true, will cause the occurrence of this phenomenon is the subject explanation. Alternatively, if phenomenon has already occurred - the explanation to show that there is a causal link between these conditions and the mere occurrence. dapi
A requirement for - true to the spirit logical positivism, states that due to the nature waterfall observational and experimental science of nature, any claim which is a scientific explanation must be given to empirical test. Phenomena dapi that appear are the conclusions of the examination and explanation of them to be relevant to explain the allegations.
Explanation of this type consists of a series of verses: Verse indicator that describes the phenomenon that we wish to explain (Aksflnandum), which is derived from deductive other verses that describe dapi general laws of nature and facts Frticolariot certain (Aksflnans) Verses Haksflnans must include them natural law universal at least one fact Frticolarit at least one . Underlying explanation deductive - Numology the assumption that nature exist rules ((X 1, and given the circumstances X 2 event occurs Y, and this event will be necessarily every time fulfilling the required conditions (X 1 + X 2). Following is an example to explain aware of deductive - Numology:
Four. Thus, the kettle dapi boiled. dapi
This explanation is similar in structure deductive explanation - Numology with one significant difference: Verse Hakflnandum not result from Haksflnans deductive, but rather, there is a high probability of occurrence of the phenomenon. Probabilistic explanation is essentially inductive explanation: and the place of the universal laws Baksflnans perceive probabilistic nature rules and tools examine statistical tools; since there is a high probability that event Y will occur in circumstances X, there is a high probability that the event does occur. Probabilistic explanation does not disable the element of surprise (as opposed to deductive explanation - Numology), but pretty waterfall states that the high probability that this type of explanation provides dapi a predictable side, to comply with the relevant explanatory
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