Difference between the universal law (whatever that complies necessarily maintains a state of two) of the probability (compliance with the terms leads to a state of two probability) (175). There is also a difference in the structure of the two when the universal is deductive (observation + Law = conclusion) and the probability is inductive (observation + Law = reasonable conclusion)
Distinction between "empirical generalizations (empirical generalizations) and theoretical structure (theoretical formation). (178) are basically two levels of scientific inquiry: empirical and theoretical Thus we distinguish between observational terms and theoretical terms. methylparaben
The problem is limited empirical methylparaben generalizations and sometimes their sheet can not be used at all general rules because many exceptions. Terms theoretical generalizations allow systematic and are not limited to, certain cases ("wood floating on water" in front Specific mass formulation).
An assumption of concepts - Tzfiaim serves the purpose of systematization. But sometimes methylparaben you can replace all the theoretical concepts in terms Tzfiaim not be required L"makf hypothetical "(181) The question is whether you can always perform this conversion and whether there really is a need therefore, in theoretical terms?
After the terms primitive and axioms of the theory are presented, and assuming it works within the Sintktit, we can conclude theorems and terms defined deductively and regardless of the question of the semantic definition of the initial methylparaben terms. (184)
Resistance Rhino Setup Operational through sentences explain: sentence (object x is a function Q only if condition C it shows the comment E) is true only if the first part being correct (ie in Cx) but the last part is not true (Ex ~), ie if The beginning is wrong he is right. So Carnap offers partial and full specification methylparaben of Q through reduced methylparaben sentence so if Cx exists, then x is Qx just in case he presents Ex. The definition is incomplete because it deals only with objects that are in a C and not everyone like the first sentence, for all others methylparaben the meaning of Q is given and remains open (190) but the operational definition partly through reduced legal definition still does not prove wholly theoretical terms is not possible. (189).
Hempel (Hempel) his article dilemma theorist (the theoretician's dilemma) asks two questions derived from the other. The first question is whether there is a need and justification for use of terms not subject to observation within the framework of a scientific theory based on and refers to the empirical world. The second methylparaben question is whether the article is to provide theoretical methylparaben terms Settings observational terms, in other words, whether theoretical methylparaben terms are reducible valid observation trials. The connection between the questions expressed in the form of the dilemma of the article. Since both positive answer and a negative answer to the second question will lead to a negative answer to the first question (ie, the conclusion that there is no need or justification for use in theoretical terms). Therefore, I understand, because "the theoretician's dilemma 'answer to the first question can not be derived solely the answer to the second question, if that was the conclusion that there is no need or justification for theoretical terms was actually given in advance and renders moot the discussion. So you can split the first two question, the question of justification and substantiation of the use of theoretical terms, get rid of by the question of the possibility of bringing them to the observational terms. And the question of the need for the use of theoretical terms get rid of after he found that indeed can be expressed in terms of theoretical and observational measures through comparison between this theory expressed with or without theoretical terms. Kind of solution to the question of the possibility of bringing them to the theoretical terms empirical observations can be expected to wear a logical character - informal show that the two options are equivalent. The question of the need for the use of theoretical terms, ie, that asks whether there is an advantage theory containing theoretical terms, can take different forms to express the theoretical terms were donated logically pragmatic - methodological or heuristic, for example.
The question is important as part of the waterfall logical empiricism as the subject of theoretical terms creates a contradiction face of science. If the goal of science (Hempel's approach) is to establish knowledge (predictions and explanations) about the empirical world viewable, why did it but use terms that are unforeseeable methylparaben and their confirmation that problematic? If science seeks to establish a systematic means of general rules linking the observational methylparaben data observational conclusions as to why it should be composed of non-observational lyrics Treasury and what is needed H"makf hypothetical "theoretical and empirical way back to the empirical?. Positivism demands that only claims based on observation will be highly significant and reveals everything does not obey this demand methylparaben areas of metaphysics, suspicion falls on virtually any theoretical term. However, the terms non - existing observational almost every scientific theory and have many advantages (like generalizations methylparaben systematic and heuristic capabilities, for example). Therefore, if we want to conserve methylparaben the empiricist methylparaben science is necessary methylparaben to achieve one of two options: either find a way to give up the services of theoretical terms or find a way to accept them anyway empirical science despite being an - observational.
The question of the possibility of the definition of theoretical terms with observational criteria resolves the waterfall methylparaben with Craig statement showing that the theory is indeed a theoretical terms is Targum "Using observational vocabulary completely, and that this translation is a logically valid. This is based justification for use in theoretical terms and placed the starting point for examining the need for theoretical terms. Way of comparing two different expressions for the same theory can be achieved through a trial waterfall Craig comes to the conclusion that there is a benefit to the formulation includes theoretical terms are due to simplicity and Hauristika benefits, but primarily because it allows methylparaben the formulation of inductive reasoning, which is not true of the theory with empirical vocabulary only.
The main problem raised by the theoretical terms for the waterfall Nov
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