Ingredientes (fuente: Las recetas the Annie the Canal Cocina) 300 ml aceite girasol, 200 gr Azúcar Moreno, naoh 200 gr Azucar 4 huevos, 150 gr harina, 114 harina integral de trigo, 1 cucharadita the floor, 2 cucharaditas the bicarbonato sódico, 2 cucharaditas the canela molida, 600 gr zanahoria rallada, 240 gr piña troceada its electricity zumo, 116 gr nueces picadas INGREDIENTS 300 ml oli gira-sol, 200 gr sucre More, 200 gr sucre, 4 ous, 150 g farina, 114 farina integral the blat, 1 culleradeta the floor, 2 culleradetes naoh the sodic bicarbonate, 2 culleradetes the Canyella molta, naoh 600 gr pastanaga ratllada, 240 g Pinya trossejada sense el suc, 116 gr nous picades INGREDIËNTEN 300 ml zonnebloemolie, 200 g bruine suiker, 200 g suiker , 4 Eieren, 150 g bloem, 114 volkoren meel (bloem), 1 theelepel zout, 2 theelepels bakpoeder, 2 theelepels Consort kaneel, geraspte Wortel 600 gr, 240 gr pineapple gehakt zonder sap, 116 g gehakte walnoten
INGREDIENTS 300 ml sunflower oil, 200g brown sugar, 200g sugar, 4 eggs, 150 grams of flour, 114 whole wheat flour, naoh 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, grated carrot 600g, 240 g chopped pineapple without the juice , 116 g chopped walnuts Ingredients 300 ml d'huile de tournesol, 200g de sucre brown, le sucre 200g, 4 oeufs, naoh 150 g of the farine, 114 farine de blé entier, 1 Cuillere à café de sel, 2 Cuilleres à café de bicarbonate the SOUDE, 2 Cuilleres à café de cannelle au sol, carottes râpées naoh 600g, 240 gr d'pineapple haché, sans le jus, 116 g de noix hachées Zutaten 300 ml Sonnenblumenöl, 200g brauner Zucker, 200 g Zucker, 4 Eier, 150 g Mehl, 114 Vollkornmehl, 1 Teelöffel Salz, 2 Teelöffel Back Powder, 2 Teelöffel gemahlener Zimt, geriebene Karotten 600g, 240 g gehackte ohne Pineapple naoh juice, 116 g gehackte Walnüsse
Ingredientes 300 ml of the Óleo the Girassol, 200g the Açucar mascavo, 200g the Açucar, 4 ovos, 150 g of the farinha, 114 the farinha de trigo integral, one Colher the chá the floor, 2 colheres the chá the bicarbonato the sódio, 2 colheres the chá de canela em pó, cenoura ralada 600g, 240 g abacaxi naoh picado sem o suco, 116 g of the Nozes picadas INGREDIENTI 300 ml di olio di semi di girasole, 200 g di zucchero di canna, 200g di zucchero, 4 uova, 150 g di farina, naoh 114 di farina di grano integral, one cucchiaino di halls, 2 cucchiaini di bicarbonato di sodio, 2 cucchiaini di Cannella in polvere, carota grattugiata naoh 600 g, 240 g pineapple tritato senza il succo, 116 g di noci tritate INGREDIENTS 300 ml sunflower oil, 200g brown sugar, 200g sugar, 4 eggs, 150 grams of flour, 114 whole wheat flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, grated carrot 600g, 240 g chopped pineapple without the juice, 116 g chopped walnuts SASTOJCI 300 ml suncokretovog ulja, 200g smeđeg šećera, 200g šećera, 4 jaja, 150 g brašna, 114 in integralno brašno, 1 žličica solos, 2 žličice sweet bikarbone, 2 žličice mljevenog cimeta, naribana Mrkva 600g, 240 g sjeckani pineapple bez soka, 116 g sjeckani orasi
ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΑ 300 ml ηλιέλαιο, καφέ ζάχαρη 200g, 200g ζάχαρη, 4 αυγά, 150 γραμμάρια αλεύρι, 114 αλεύρι ολικής αλέσεως, 1 κουταλάκι αλάτι, 2 κουταλάκια του γλυκού μαγειρική σόδα, 2 κουταλάκια του γλυκού κανέλα, τριμμένο καρότο naoh 600g, 240 g ψιλοκομμένο ανανά χωρίς χυμό, 116 g ψιλοκομμένα καρύδια INGREDIENTS 300 ml sunflower oil, 200g brown sugar, 200g sugar, 4 egg, 150 g hvetemel, 114 whole hvetemel, 1 ts salt, 2 ts baking soda, 2 ts malt cinnamon, grated 600g gulrot, 240 gr chopped pineapple uten juice, 116 g chopped valnøtter INNEHÅLL 300 ml solrosolja, 200g brown socker, 200g socker, 4 AGG 150 g mjöl, 114 hela vetemjöl, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons bakpulver, 2 teaspoons cinnamon malen, rake 600 g Morot, 240 gr hackad pineapple naoh juice utan, 116 g hackade valnötter
iNNIHALDSEFNI 300 ml sólblómaolía, 200g Brunn sykur, 200g sykur, 4 egg, 150 g hveiti, 114 allt hveiti, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons matarsódi, 2 tsp ground kanill, rifinn gulrót 600g, 240 g hakkað pineapple án safa, 116 g hakkað valhnetur naoh SKŁADNIKI 300 ml oleju słonecznikowego, 200g brązowego cukru, cukier 200g, 4 jajka, 150 g Maki, Maki 114 pszennej, 1 łyżeczka naoh solos, 2 łyżeczki sody oczyszczonej, 2 łyżeczki mielonego cynamonu, Starta Marchewka 600g, 240 g posiekanej ananasa bez soku, 116 g posiekanych orzechów włoskich СОСТАВ 300 мл подсолнечного масла, 200 г коричневого сахара, 200 г сахара, 4 яйца, 150 г муки, 114 пшеничной муки, 1 чайная ложка соли, 2 чайные ложки выпечки соды, 2 чайные ложки молотой корицы, 600 г тертой моркови, 240 г нарезанного ананаса без сока, 116 г измельченных грецких орехов
INGREDIENTS 300 مل زيت عباد الشمس, و السكر البني 200G, 200G السكر, 4 بيضات, 150 غ دقيق, 114 طحين القمح الكامل, 1 ملعقة صغيرة ملح, 2 ملعقة شاي صودا الخبز, 2 ملعقة شاي من القرفة naoh المطحونة والجزر المبشور 600G, 240 الأناناس المفروم naoh غرام بدون عصير و 116 الجوز المفروم 成分 300 毫升 葵花籽 油, 200 克 红糖, 糖 200 克,