Saturday, February 14, 2015

Types of worms: worms that infect the child from the small white worms type and can be observed whe

Intestinal worms enemy dwells child | World Girls
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Children suffer most due for poor hygiene diseases and more risks they face infestation of intestinal and reach the intestines in several ways, including: constipation animals such as dogs and cats, the most important reasons is not washing well vegetables and fruits Fbaod worms stuck with vegetables, fruits, and when eaten move of the gut and multiply soon anal and starts ethane putting its eggs and secrete acidic ethane substance ethane to stick to eggs anus and this article cause itching and pain of the child comes rub the anal area. This will take the eggs into his hands, suspending his hands and under his fingernails comes to eating or put his hands in his mouth will take you back to his intestines and restore the life cycle of a new child himself and moves from the child to his mother or father or someone else when making contact ethane with the child's hands and start a new infection
There are symptoms from which to see if McCann child is infected, including: - Loss of delicacy - tends face of yellowing and become anemic - severe pain in the abdomen - it becomes a permanent scratching logic anal especially at night because the worms lay their eggs at night - increases a child's desire to lie down dramatically when you see These symptoms should be taken to the doctor ethane
The problem lies in ridding the house of worms because the underwear of a child infected become contaminated and put it with other clothes sponsor transmission of eggs to another child, the time to get rid of worms mission begins, the collection of a child clothes and put them in boiling water for a period of 8-10 minutes ethane are enough to kill the eggs stuck in clothes and then be cleaned and bed coverings in the same way and are then Ironing after dry, because heat destroys the Flatiron any egg residual preferably the process of cleaning with wearing gloves and disposed of immediately after completion
Types of worms: worms that infect the child from the small white worms type and can be observed when proliferate at the anus and the other type is the only worm (tapeworm) and cause severe pain in the stomach ethane and has a length of a few meters with a hit man by less than other worms and usually Misab children and adults in this The worm caused by eating beef where this worm live and multiply in the intestines of cows and must be alert to the mother to her child and appetites to the color of his face, and was suffering from pain in the lower abdomen or at the top of the stomach

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