Monday, October 21, 2013

During the peak summer season, between Midsummer and Lammas (the first mature sublimation sädens ti

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Here I sit in the August sun and writing to you all. It's been a wonderful summer and will soon fall again and all the procedures and all the planning. It just feels good because I've really got a big dose of summer. During the summer, I often let go of routines. sublimation I am relaxed and enjoying themselves. I swim and play and rest more. I'll go more with the flow that is within me and all around. I do not wear that direction and that goal so clearly all times. The days are not so structured, I am more free and easy.
During the summer months thrives mostly in nature and in this relaxed equality as summer heat invites to so I grow too. I'm catching up myself, I have time to feel and think all the way. I have time to land more in myself, in an easy and enjoyable way. I also feel a great device with nature through my physical body during the summer when I do not need all these clothes! It's so wonderful sublimation to walk barefoot in the grass and feel in touch with Mother Earth. And so wonderful to become one with the water in all the lakes and the sea I swim in. And wonderful to pick sun-warmed raspberries and currants in the garden and sprinkle over breakfast porridge.
During the peak summer season, between Midsummer and Lammas (the first mature sublimation sädens time) we celebrate water with all its gifts in the årshjul I follow. I associate sublimation maybe more sun and heat of summer. But without rain, so does nothing which we want to harvest. Nonetheless, I'll probably just on the water where the game and all bathers sublimation in the summer rather than the rain! As a tip from me is to send a little sublimation prayer to the water each time you Flops in. Say a few words nice words that the world needs more of, and jump in with that intention. Know that water has an incredible capacity to absorb energies and bring them forward. As a small drop of your intentions soon become a great sea! You have probably heard of "The messages of water ', a fantastic book written by Masaru Emoto on how water crystals conform to the energies that are around them. If we write love on a piece of paper and put in a water carafe, it becomes wonderfully beautiful crystals sublimation while if we write something bad then the crystals are not at all pretty.
I love the water and of the four elements is the water that I find it easiest to and feel most at home in. I would rather live on an island in the future. I've spent a lot of time at the ocean in Hawaii sublimation and in Scotland. And I have even named my kids to Maui and Iona as the island in the sea. I was born in a water sign, Cancer, astrologically speaking. I am incredibly sensitive and loves all shades of blue! So it suits me so well that decorate my Gudinnealtare in blue tones and celebrate my birthday in the water time!
So what is the relationship with the water out for me? Well, for me, reflects the water my feelings sublimation first. It feels like my whole emotional life is one with the water. Emotions flow all the time. Sometimes with tremendous force and in giant waves and sometimes like a babbling brook. Sometimes it's just still with a nice weight as a smooth lake in the evening. Sometimes more like a still flowing strong river and in amongst the quiet lapping of waves against the shore. I am an emotional person and often let my emotions flow and its lead me in life. It is often regarded as something negative but I think it often is healthy. Turning off and encapsulate sublimation feelings only leads to major injuries and illnesses and minor irrigated and fertile life in my eyes. Emotions take us close to each other and ourselves. And proximity is essential for us humans. sublimation It is also magical to follow the flow of intuition and end up in places sublimation you do not really know anything about. These trips I often inward, as oguidade meditation trips when I'm not as adventurous in the exterior. I can have the most wonderful message to me on these trips. When I travel, I always sublimation have with me my power animal, the sea turtle. I ride out of her shell and reach deeper and deeper into myself.
Every summer in the water time I go to a camp with an Indian, Medicine Story and his wife Elika. What we do for a whole week is to work with our emotions. We learn to listen to each other and the ability to express your feelings. All emotions. Not only those who accepted around us who may joy and love. But also sadness and anger, and the whole range that we carry with us. It's a huge powerful sublimation work that dare to be in all of those feelings. But regardless of the feeling we have been fully involved sublimation in during a session so we arrive frequently in a calm afterwards when the feeling had to live out his power, got to ride the wave out! There is great wisdom in this, I think. If more people are allowed to feel their emotions in a healthy way, maybe we would not have so many depressed and sick peopl

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