I read the articles and see how the sensation sought in a very painful condition. People email and ask for the facts. No. 1 I'm not a doctor, but does have enough experience and knowledge to give a few facts:
How do we prevent this from happening. The patient is usually in a hospital and a drip for him / her put in which heparin application. There are regular, six hourly blood drawn to determine who the "PI" of the blood. It shows to the doctors how solidifiable the blood, because the clot to be able to form had to be even a little stolseltjie formed which more platelets clave until a "lump" space bags made what is now the normal blood flow through the vein prevented and thus causes the swelling of the limb.
It is also possible that the doctor can decide the clot is not so great and such a great danger space bags and make use of a new low molecular weight heparin, a insputing almost as insulin administered just under the skin . The patient can then self on an outpatient basis and it is therefore no need for such frequent blood tests.
Usually while the patient is on heparin therapy Warfarin, a little pink pill, part of the treatment. space bags The person taking it once a day and should continue for three to six months. During this phase, regular blood tests to ensure that the correct dose is given too little warfarin means it can form lumps when your system can cause you too much bleeding. Warfarin is potentially very dangerous substance if not used correctly, as it forms an interaction with other medications, vitamins and even foods that are rich in vitamin K. For this reason, regular blood tests are essential.
In severe cases it is decided to "Catheter-directed thrombolysis". This means that a catheter under local anesthesia in the vain and using sonar technology led to the clot. Here the radiologist injects space bags a clot solvent directly into the clot. If there is damage to the ear may radiologist at the same time a "balloon" is used to stretch the ear in order to prevent further clots from forming. This procedure is far more dangerous than the medication route as it is a much higher risk for stroke and must be closely monitored.
Good luck Steve! My father did the same 25 years ago and 100% recovery. However, he is to this day still on Warfarin and his PI monthly. Warfarin is also known as rat poison. There is a ekwalent much less dangerous than warfarin, but my dad was / is alergies.
Interesting views Bosparra on Steve's illness. Especially in light of the school girl scandal that apparently some time to come. Do not know if I completely agree with it, but hope that his wife and children yet please not another humiliation in the face.
Hi Ingrid, I was the one who said at Bosparra for Flat Fringe challenged about his ugly comments about Steve, I'd like for you his way of things explain this paste, I hope you do not care I'm just angry angry at the man how long he wants to get away with his disgusting space bags remarks.
Comment by flat moved 2009-02-11 10:44:32 gulpie is probably the most talented (cheat) artist in South Afrika.Elke time as its ticket / tape sales drop, or there was for a while a screenshot of his eaten in the media, then develop the Vool a medical toestand.Sorry, but it sounds like a repeat of his situation last year and we all know how it is in the end turned pan. Those plays simpatiekaart 'Gulpsters ...
now ps.wat me wonder if his new 'condition but just a little supply for the new hope / ball of shit apparently (a speod) in his direction tanks advanced .... was he not now but at advance a bit sympathy BEFORE that ball shit hit diagonally behind him
Comment by flat moved 2009-02-11 space bags 11:02:35 Smurf, you learn my dear blue blop??? space bags read the archives ... so a week or two back ... there is gulpie's new PVA in between the lines discussed space bags and speculated.
Whether he clot or not (like thousands of other South Africans) etc. is irrelevant space bags ... It's absolutely wonderful and fucking amazing ... almost like a miracle space bags ... that the Vool medical conditions come out as soon as his popularity satisfactory are.
ps. visit gulpie in hospitaal.stuur space bags me better messages for the vool.En give him a nice open mouth soen.En, if you calm down, then ask him to show you the truth and the full story behind the story i.laasjaar emergency intervention (fuck) ... and then when you see him triple the truth, ask him ii. the story behind his blood clot story, it went to you.
have you ever thought of (or only liggi
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