Friday, October 4, 2013

Eesti Energia ambar has launched a major tourist nuclear program. Bus by migrating ambar to journal

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14th September 2007 12:00
Eesti Energia has leaned on the driver Liive. Nuclear reactor ambar fuel rods, leading to the exhibits. All this activity, however, is a real, working nuclear reactor at Olkiluoto in Finland in the background. Shooting practice and journalists intervjueerivale amount maalitav vision ambar leads us to the time when Estonia, too, could be a nuclear reactor owner or shareholder.
Eesti Energia ambar has launched a major tourist nuclear program. Bus by migrating ambar to journalists in the parliament, and soon let the Olkiluoto plant in Finland, Europe's largest construction site. There will be the continent's largest, most powerful and safest nuclear reactor.
Energy Company chief Liive is skilful ambar nuclear tour manager, a full-power views of the sites piltnikele pose energeetikavisioonide painter. And the future is to look at, because by 2015. In the part of the Narva plants shut down.
Energy exhibition. This should be done before a nationwide nuclear forum to see as many, found Liive. Tour buses started rolling. Unfortunately, we do not share the enthusiasm of the Finnish side, who from the Prime Minister to local experts, Estonia liitumisplaanid initially sent a lengthy to say the least.
Where Estonia is indeed expected, and the Lithuanian Ignalina. Estonia's participation in the expectation shared by both the director of the plant, as well as the church board. When Estonia was signed last year to build a new station at Ignalina, a local mayor had eyes in the water. For the first time in years, and with the help of the Estonian seemed to close the Ignalina plant personnel in an accident in the valley of a beam of light. The city, which renamed Visaginas. Did this has now been forgotten?
No, argues Liive. The project will continue. Unfortunately, the thing is so stalled that our critical for the 2015th by not getting a chance at Ignalina power. However, our party arrived in Finland worship be helpful in curbing Poland demanding.
What is not, however, been no Lithuania and Finland, it is the opinion of the people asking and crediting. Liive can understand the notion that a company can not make investment in a referendum or parliamentary debate. On the other hand are so sensitive nuclear area, that it considers itself a specialist, anyone who has heard the word Chernobyl. For example, in Sweden decided in a referendum on nuclear waste disposal facility locations, Finland gives Parliament a separate license for each reactor.

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